關於我們 About us



World Vegan Advocacy Society , is a group gathered together by individuals concerning on climate change, sustainable environment and animal rights. It advocates life cherishing plant-based diet as a start to mitigate against the global warming, while nourishing “live and let live” spirit through this life style change towards the realization of world peace and harmony. We focus on the plant-based campaign as key solution to climate change and examine into its validity in both scientific and cultural dimension, and also disseminate it as an emerging global trend and a power for peace. By adopting more of a plant-based diet through your loving and caring action, the world shall be a better place for all lives and environment residing on this planet.


Climate catastrophes resulting from extreme weather, are serving as a crisis window for retrospection. They trigger us to face the past environmental legacies and prompt the world to confront the severe environmental challenge and seek viable solutions. The plant-based diet movement underlines that everyone can contribute positively, by quickly cutting down on the short lived green house gases, to gain more time for the proliferation of clean energy and provide a healing opportunity on the much deteriorated environment.

We bridge the gap by showing how does one’s diet connect holistically to the lives and the environment on this planet, we set out with mercy and to advocate a vegan world.


What enables world vegan, breaking away from the past religious inclination and health stereotype, as one major campaign and solution against global warming? This is mainly due to the significance of its core values (mercy) and diversified dimensions of its impact, including promptly mitigating the impact of global warming, rebuilding food security arising from food crisis, correcting the present harmful and addicted food culture, empowering the disadvantaged population and communities, freeing the animals from abusive torture and suffering. Moreover, plant based diet can build a solid foundation for sustainable development supporting the future trends of ever growing human population, compulsory and significant reduction on carbon emissions, and the ever more treasured ecological resources.


This new non-violent and civil disobedience campaign on diet, promoting friendly environment and cherishing life, has not only provided a vital key to revive the ecology but also redefined what a good and meaningful life is, with the eventual hope to establish a loving and peaceful living on earth, that is, the vegan world !